Well, my knitting class is coming to an end on Saturday, 2/21/2009. I'm to pick out a project to work on before I leave. I am coveting one of those cable knitted bags (purse) more on the larger side than small. I'm thinking dark gray tweedy type yarn... not sure of the handles yet... I need something to tote all my junk around in. Even though I already knew how to knit and purl...cast on...cast off...increase...decrease...and cable...the art of reading a knitting pattern eluded me. I could kinda figure it out...but never really felt secure that what I thought was right was right...thus the class.
In class I did learn a few things: I learned how to do a knit cast on-that's handy, and I've been practicing. Also some explanations in knitting patterns are "assumed." No wonder I was having trouble! Techniques and abbreviations are not made clear, but are instead assumed you would know the correct way to SSK-Duh...no! I'm on the right track now, with help from the class instructors. I do have a better understanding of patterns-the ladies at the shop are trying really hard.
What I wasn't expecting was that while in class I feel goofy and stupid-two feelings I really don't like. Therefore, I don't say much but quietly knit and pay attention. I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but I do know it wasn't what I found. I am getting better, but I'm still not at ease. I know it will take time and lots of practice. I have just finished knitting some cotton wash cloths from a class pattern. Hey, they were easy and fun to make!
Give it a try:
BASIC DISHRAG ( from http://majorknitter.typepad.com-free/ knitting patterns)
1 ball of knitted worsted weight cotton ( sugar 'n' cream)50 gram size Size 9-10 1/2 needles
Row 1: knit one row
Row 2: K2, YO ( yarn over) Knit to the end of the row
Repeat row 2 until there are 40 stitches (for the dish scrubber) or 50 stitches for a face cloth
Next Row: K1, K2tog (knit 2 together), YO, K2tog, knit to the end of the row
Continue decreasing until 4 stitches left. Cast off
My mother, the expert knitter-if only I could be half as good as she- advised to try Norwegian patterns She has been knitting since she was 5 years old from Norwegian patterns-so it comes easy to her. When I asked why she started knitting at five she explained: "It was out of necessity, honey!" So think about a five year old knitting to have mittens, socks, scarves and sweaters to wear, because she had to. Now she knits because she wants to, and because along the way it became-what we are all seeking-a pleasurable way to pass the time. And at the end you have a beautifully hand knit item, too.
My Spiral Sock Story
Mom sent a Norwegian pattern ( and a knitted example) of a spiral sock. I decided to jump in with both feet and try my hand at knitting spiral socks. (Heck, I'd just mastered dish rags!) And I did it! I read the (Norwegian) pattern and knitted the sock-I 'd look at the example sock to make sure I was on track until I got to the toe. After reading the pattern, staring at the toe, reading the pattern, staring at the toe...you get the idea...I finished my first spiral sock. It's done in bright lime green yarn withtwo pieces of blue yarn( used as toe markers) that make the creation look like a green frog with droopy blue eyes ( I haven't removed the markers yet.) I did call my knitting help desk ( that would be mom in Tempe) and explained what I did with the toe, and ask if it was correct. Have you ever tried getting knitting help over the phone?
"t looks almost like your (sock toe)," I said-as I read from the pattern to her.
"You read the pattern?" she said "I just finished off the toe like a regular sock"
Yep, I read the pattern and this is what I did-I explained about how I knitted the two stitches together.
"That's how your grandmother does it, too" she said.
She also does sweater shoulders the same way I was told. For some reason that was a piece of information I know I'll always remember. I know every time now I finish a spiral sock toe knitting two stitches together-I'll think of grandma.
2009 is the year I become a better knitter
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Writing February 2009
I have to admit I don't write every day-it's true. Sunday I had the chance to sit down at the computer to write uninterrupted-instead the hubby and I watched movies while I knitted. (more of that later) For those interested my article on Greg Guirard-Preserve Cajun Heritage-in the February 2009 issue of Acadiana Lifestyle came out great thanks to fabulous editor Cheryl Robichaux! If you have a chance to pick up a copy I hope you enjoy the magazine-it is a great publication-filled with lots of useful information and great articles.
I need to write and submit before March 15th my column for Acadiana Moms. I am debating topics-as usual-but you can count on family being featured. 008 Magazine asked me to write about indoor set up trends for 2009-now I am inspired to do a little interior decorating! Look for the March/April issue. And if you are interested in recipes for your favorite poochie pooh-check out the mag's Rrrecipe section especially for pets!
On another note-I have been procrastinating-I really need to try to write on a subject/topic not assigned-and submit to other (major) magazines. I am getting better because I have pitched ideas to my local editors that they have accepted, but I have not ventured beyond my comfort zone. Thanks to the girls-yes that's you-Rhegan and Mindy-who stepped up to bat with article topic ideas. Ok-Mindy-the "let me go ask my aunt what she thinks," might not count. Needless to say-the brain waves just started working one day-and I saw article possibilities everywhere! (Or maybe I just woke up when the coffee kicked in) But the article ideas have not left the lists I have compiled! My fault-I am scared. So, if you want to write me words of encouragement to get me going into the big black abyss of freelance writing-outside the state of Louisiana-come on down!
That's all for my writing world-I will interview my mother who is a wealth of knitting, weaving and quilting knowledge and write about her....soon.
To read 008 Magazine go to: www.008magazine.com
And Acadiana Moms has a great on line forum for moms at: acadianamomslikeme.com
I need to write and submit before March 15th my column for Acadiana Moms. I am debating topics-as usual-but you can count on family being featured. 008 Magazine asked me to write about indoor set up trends for 2009-now I am inspired to do a little interior decorating! Look for the March/April issue. And if you are interested in recipes for your favorite poochie pooh-check out the mag's Rrrecipe section especially for pets!
On another note-I have been procrastinating-I really need to try to write on a subject/topic not assigned-and submit to other (major) magazines. I am getting better because I have pitched ideas to my local editors that they have accepted, but I have not ventured beyond my comfort zone. Thanks to the girls-yes that's you-Rhegan and Mindy-who stepped up to bat with article topic ideas. Ok-Mindy-the "let me go ask my aunt what she thinks," might not count. Needless to say-the brain waves just started working one day-and I saw article possibilities everywhere! (Or maybe I just woke up when the coffee kicked in) But the article ideas have not left the lists I have compiled! My fault-I am scared. So, if you want to write me words of encouragement to get me going into the big black abyss of freelance writing-outside the state of Louisiana-come on down!
That's all for my writing world-I will interview my mother who is a wealth of knitting, weaving and quilting knowledge and write about her....soon.
To read 008 Magazine go to: www.008magazine.com
And Acadiana Moms has a great on line forum for moms at: acadianamomslikeme.com
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