lacy baby blanket and Fair Isle booties

lacy baby blanket and Fair Isle booties



Sunday, January 4, 2009

Knitting January 2009

I decided since I was so slick about combining two blogs into one: writing and knitting, I would at least put separate titles. For all of those out there copied on the original knitting group e-mail-here's the scoop:

ULL Potpourri is offering a Knitting 411 class starting January 31-February 21 Course# 600013 and the fee is $75.00. Option 1: Monday 1-3 pm Option 2: Saturday 10 am-12 pm Phone: 337-482-6386 or

I am treating myself for my birthday to this course. (Option 2)I need help with reading patterns. This course teaches the knit and purl stitch, reading patterns, casting off and more. I hope after this course we can start meeting on a monthly basis as our own knitting group. I will blog our escapades. Whoo whoo!

Of course, taking the class is not needed to start our knitting group, this is just something I want to do so I can become a better knitter.

Report in your thoughts on the class

writing January 2009

Welcome to my blog! We are just back from the Bayou Writers Group (BWG)meeting. That meant a road trip and gab fest for Mindy, Rhegan and I. We weren't our normal gabbing selves so I only have about three note book pages of to do's, reminders, and self-imposed deadlines. Crazy business. But we love it! Speaking of things to do-learing to knit better in 2009 is on my list, not the dreaded R list(resolutions) more like stuff I want to try to accomplish. Starting a knitting blog was on my "to do" list for 2009-so I just combined the two. Pretty slick, ha?

Look out girls-I'll be emailing the "assignments," reminders and other good stuff

By the way the BWG says blogging is the way to go. I'll give it a shot but won't promise anything

I just finished an interview with Greg Guirard for an article due 1/14 for Acadiana Lifestyle Magazine on preserving the Cajun culture through pictures. Then on the 15th my column is due for Acadiana Moms. So, let's not hear any complaining about deadlines out there. I don't have a word written and notes from heck. My column is about family, and family gives you lots to write about. Just when I think there aren't possibly any more topics-I'm choosing between two or three. Watch for the February issue of Acadiana Moms and see what I picked and let me know what you think.